PHRST provides full service human resource management using an a la carte approach to service needs in all seven HR management areas:1.Employment practices 2.Management practices 3.Health, safety & security 4.Compensation & benefits 5.Employee & labor relations 6.Staffing & recruiting practices 7.Human resource developmentNEWSCONTACTSITE MAPPRIVACY POLICY
PHRST outsourced HR practitioners supplement and enhance clients with knowledge, skill and abilityWe work at client sites, designated areas and in PHRST facilities. We service all organization sizes, industries, locations and levels. We are experienced with private, public, governmental, for-profit and not-for-profit employers. Using state-of the-art equipment, material and tools, we maintain flexibility to ensure responsiveness, cost effectiveness, and culture/language-specific expertise. Select HR practitioners are assembled in teams to focus upon the specific needs of clients. Living and working experience at locations across the US and abroad ensure on-point and appropriate HR actions.Using a flexible team business model offering a la carte HR services enables PHRST to assist clients 24/7/365. Drawing upon practitioners from various time zones enables PHRST to effectively service clients in any time zone. State-of-the-art equipment, tools and materials enable prompt response electronically and in hard copy. Seasoned HR knowledge, skill and ability among practitioners yield prompt answers, accelerated research, proven best practice interventions and conventional as well as innovative suggestions. PHRST's a la carte HR mode yields on time, targeted and quality service.WHEREWHENWHATHOMEABOUT USSERVICESHR INDEXTRAINING