An organization’s success is built upon the knowledge, skill and ability of its people. Changing markets, technology and competition demand that businesses train continuously. If they do not provide training, employees leave for companies that do.Reach PHRST at for information and scheduling.
There are three categories of training: education, skills learning and interpersonal development. Education may be getting a business management degree. Skills learning can be on-the-job-training. Interpersonal development is learning to work and interact with others inside and outside the organization.PHRST offers interpersonal development programs:
Presented by live instructors in person at locations or live webinars via Internet
As employee-specific coaching exercises performed at the workstation
As special presentations in group discussion or facilitation
Presentations are practical, adult learning programs, typically of 60-90 minutes in length. Participants can immediately apply what they learned. Course materials are provided, quizzes are available, Q&As are addressed and certificates are furnished. Accomplished instructors use professionally prepared content in accordance with CEU, CPE, CLU and similar requirements, so programs may be considered for professional continuing education credit.You may review and select from the following topics categorized method of delivery. hr@phrst.comHOMEABOUT USSERVICESHR INDEXTRAINING
In-person trainer or webinar topicsDiscussion groupsIndividual-Employee, Tailored CoachingCustom Presentations