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PHRST’s success since 1984 is in its team concept. We offer the right people, in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing to fulfill your HR needs.Reach PHRST ator 800-285-8380-code-14 for information and scheduling.
PHRST knows what needs to be done and how to do it. PHRST offers full function HR capability to help you in the areas of:Employment practices
Management practices
Health, safety & security
Compensation & benefits
Employee and labor relations
Human resource development
Staffing & recruitment practices

aboutDetail on what makes up these seven HR areas follows. Area-by-area, you may explore each area’s components and select HR services you need. A full listing of all HR areas and activities is at the end.If you are uncertain what all is needed, you may call upon PHRST to perform a comprehensive HR Department Review to evaluate your HR function, identify strengths and development areas and make recommendations for your HR priorities. hr@phrst.comHOMEABOUT USSERVICESHR INDEXTRAINING



Compensation & BenefitsEmployee & Labor RelationsEmployment PracticesHealth, Safety, & Security

View AllDownload AllHuman Resource DevelopmentManagement PracticesStaffing & Recruitment Practices